Dear Parents and Guardians,
Beginning Monday, April 27th, Teachers are conducting “Planned Instruction”(see tab for assignments).All students are working out of provided packets and workbooks that were distributed to the students.
Students also have online components, Think Central and ConnectED, which are aligned to their reading and math series, and may be utilized. Students do not need to complete assignments via these platforms, however they are the resource components to access the lessons/stories.
MobyMax will also be utilized as a supplemental component that is not required by the students, but is a useful tool to enhance their skills.
Teachers will also be posting assignments to their individual websites and the “Remote Learning” tab of the Kennedy Early Childhood Center web page. All teachers are required to utilize their email and either the Remind App or Class Dojo as a means of communication to the students and their families.
Please be advised that student participation and attendance will be monitored and tracked. This can be done using various methods and platforms (e-mail, ClassDojo, Remind)
*You can send pictures of the students work to the teacher.
*You can simply let the teacher know that your child has completed the daily assignments.
*At the end of the week let your child’s teacher know that the work has been completed.
We encourage students and parents to actively communicate with their child’s teacher for assistance, engagement, and to ensure the well-being of all.
A future date and details will be provided for all families to participate in an end of the year drop-off, in which the school will be collecting and reviewing all workbooks and packets.
On behalf of myself and my staff at the Kennedy Early Childhood Center, we sincerely miss all of our students and wish that everyone remain safe and healthy through this unprecedented event.
Mrs. Bartle
Kennedy Early Childhood Center
We are happy to make the most of this unusual situation, however, our hearts are very heavy. We miss our daily routine, our classrooms, and MOST of all, the students. Your families are in our thoughts, always. THANK YOU for all of your cooperation and participation. Be safe and stay healthy. <3
The Second Grade Teachers
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”
- Mr. Rogers