Please read with your child daily!
Try these activities to build literacy skills this week! We would love to hear from you and we know our students love to show off their hard work. Feel free to email us a note or picture any time! We’d love to see what our kiddos are working on!
Week of June 8th
Summer Bingo
Find the Summer Bingo Card printable on the RESOURCES page and have fun playing!!
Say and Swat
Grab a fly swatter and practice your high frequency words!
Write practice words on paper or make some bug shapes to use. Swat each word as you read it. Have fun practicing! WHACK!!!
I can Read Fluency Practice
Read the following text 3 times for fluency.
I like the summer the best.
I can go look for bugs.
I can play at the park.
I can swim at the pool.
Answer the following questions.
Put the events in order. I can play at the park. I can swim at the pool. I can go look for bugs.
Write three things you can do in summer.
Which season do you like best?
Summer Reading Comprehension
Read the passage, answer the questions, and draw a picture.
I find seashells in the sand.
They are white, pink, and brown.
I put the seashells in my bucket.
I like the white seashell.
I like playing in the sand.
Where do I find seashells?
What colors are the seashells?
Where do I put the seashells?
Summer Story
Read the following story and answer the questions.
On a hot day, Jane and Tom went to the beach with mom and dad.
Jane and Tom made a sand castle. Jane said, "Look, Tom! I see a pink shell in the sand."
"It is very pretty. Do you want to put it on the sand castle to see what it would look like?" Tom said.
"Yes! I think it will be a very pretty sand castle!" Jane said.
Tom and Jane put the shell on the castle and it did look very pretty.
Where did Jane and Tom go? a. to school b. to the beach
What did Jane see? a. a shell b. a ball
What did Tom and Jane do with the shell? a. they put it in a car b. they put it on the sand castle
Summer Reading Activity
Read the following and guess the sea creature. Draw and label the sea creature.
This animal jumps out of the water. It is very smart. It is a mammal. (dolphin)
This animal is small. It can sting people. It looks like an umbrella. ( jellyfish)
This animal has sharp teeth. It is a fish. It can breath underwater. (shark)
Hide and seek reading!
Hide the following words around your house and have your child find and read them.
“Going on a Picnic”
Write the list of “picnic“ words on index cards/paper. Flip the cards upside down and mix them up. Each student/parent picks one card and says...”I’m going on a picnic and I have Ie: (drink). I also need a Ie: cup). ( Please refer to the word list). .If anyone else has the word called, they must give it to the person who asked for it. Once all words have been selected and pronounced, the person who has the most “picnic” words wins. Hopefully you can play this outside on a picnic blanket!
Picnic word list:
Ice cream
Week of June 1st
“Use Your Senses”: Beach
What can you feel/touch?
What can you smell?
What can you see?
What can you taste?
What can you hear?
Ie: I can feel the smooth cool sand on my feet.
I can hear the seagulls flying in the air.
Seashell sounds
Draw seashells on a piece of paper and add letters to the middle. Have your child point at a letter , say the sound, and then cover it. You can use seashells from a past beach trip to cover.
Make a match
Draw flip-flops with uppercase letters in it. Draw another set with lowercase letters. Have your child draw a line to match the letters.
Ocean Rhyme
Five Oceans
We have five oceans that cover the Earth, you see
Can you name them all with me?
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic, and Antarctic make five,
I can't wait to discover the ocean, I'm ready to dive.
Bottlenose Dolphin
Read the story and follow the directions below.
Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose dolphins are sea animals. They can swim fast and dive deep. A dolphin can hold its breath under water for a short time. When out of the water, a dolphin breathes through a blowhole on the top of its head.
Write the sentence from the story that tells the main idea.
Write three details that tell about the main idea.
Ocean Alphabet Book
Make your very own ABC ocean animal book. Write the following letters and ocean animals and illustrate.
B- barracuda
G- goosefish
H- hermit crab
I- isopoda
J- jellyfish
k-killer whale
L- lobster
M- manatee
N- norwhal
O- octopus
P- piranha
Q- queen conch
R- ray
S- seahorse
T- - turtle
U- urchin
V- velvet crab
w- whale
X- x-ray fish
Y- yellow finned tuna
Z- zoo plankton
Week of May 26th
Patriot Week in honor of Memorial Day
Memorial Day fluency. Practice reading several times to your favorite stuffy and see how many facts you can recall! Wow your family and share all the facts you remember! Find a printable copy on the RESOURCES tab!
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a holiday that is celebrated on the last Monday in May. On Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who have died in wars while serving in America's armed forces. The armed forces include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. It began when people wanted to remember the thousands of soldiers who died in the Civil War. They placed flowers and flags on the soldiers' graves on Decoration Day.
Now, on Memorial Day, a ceremony is held at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia where thousands of people from the armed forces are buried. During the ceremony, the President of the United States places a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. The Tomb of the Unknowns is a place where soldiers are buried whose names are not known. A song called Taps is played by a bugler to honor those who died.
Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt
See the RESOURCES tab to view/print the scavenger hunt.
Write a sentence for five things you found on the list.
A-Z America fluency
"America: A Patriotic Primer" by Lynn Cheney
Parents will read the poem to the child. Then take turns, or read, together.
A is for America, the land that we love.
B is for the Birthday of this nation of ours.
C is for the Constitution that binds us together.
D is for the Declaration of Independence.
E is for Equality.
F is for Freedom and the flag that we fly.
G is for God in whom we trust.
H is for Heroes and I for Ideals.
J is for Jefferson.
K is for King (Martin Luther) Jr.
L is for Lincoln.
M is for Madison.
N is for Native Americans, who came here, first.
O is for the Oath new Americans take.
P is for the Patriotism that fills our hearts with pride.
Q is for America's Quest for the new, the far, and the very best.
R is for the Rights we are guaranteed.
S is for suffrage.
T is for Tolerance.
U is for the United States.
V is for the Valor shown by those who've kept us free.
W is for Washington.
X marks the spot.
Y is for You and all you will be in this greatest of countries, the land of the free.
Z is the end of the alphabet, but not of America's story.
Strong and free, we will continue to be an inspiration to the world.
Questions (Write and/or draw your answers.)
When you think of "America," what do you think of?
What does it mean to be "free?"
How many stars are on the American Flag? What does each flag stand for?
Who is/are your Hero(es)? Why?
Where would you like to travel to in the United States?
Extra: How did you have fun on Memorial Day? "On Memorial Day I..."
The National Symbols of America
Read these quick facts about some of the symbols of The United States of America
The Liberty Bell weighs 2,000 pounds was cast in London in 1752 and is housed in Independence Hall, Philadelphia.
The Statue of Liberty was gifted by France to the United States in 1886 is now recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and liberty located in New York harbor.
The National Flag is popularly known as the Stars and the Stripes. The stripes represent the original 13 colonies that gained independence from Great Britain. The stars symbolize the lofty goals of mankind.
Poppy Activitiy
The red poppy flower is an iconic symbol of honor for the sacrifice of our veterans. For this activity,
Draw a big poppy with four big petals. In each petal write something that you are thankful for in our country. Color red when finished writing.
Week of May 18th
Pirates Week!
Pick a color to use as your game markers. Then choose a word from the board to read. If you can read it correctly, place your marker on top of the word you read. Then your partner chooses a word to read, and places a different color marker on the word read. you will want to try to block your partner while also trying to get 4 in a row horizontally, diagonally , or vertically.
Game board is on the RESOURCES tab! You can draw the board out on paper if you don't have a printer.
Pirate Madlib
This type of fill-in-the blank story is fun to complete, and the results are often hilarious. They’re also a great way for students to practice using different parts of speech.
Fill in the blanks before reading the story by asking your child to give you the proper part of speech (noun, verb, etc). Once all the blanks are filled, read your wacky story out loud.
Noun – Person, place, or thing (student, school, computer)
Adjective – A word that describes something (fun, long, cold)
Verb – An action word (run, swim, jump)
Adverb – Words that change or simplify a meaning of one of the above. Adverbs usually, but don’t always end in -ly. (Slowly, correctly, together)
Practice reading a few times for fluency! READ IT TO ANYONE THAT WILL LISTEN!!
Game board is on the RESOURCES tab! You can draw the board out on paper if you don't have a printer.
10 Little Pirates Fluency Practice!

Rrrrrr Controlled Vowels!
This activity is a fun way to review “Rrrr.-controlled” vowels/“Bossy R: (ar, er, ir, or, and ur)
Materials: popsicle sticks, paper/blank index cards, crayons, scissors, tape
Word list:
(AR) arm, far, barn, hard, yard, card, charm;
(ER) term, mother, father, sister, brother, feather, teacher
(IR) bird, girl, swirl, twirl, whirl, first, dirt,
(OR) word, sword, worm, fork, work, worse, horse;
(UR). turn, hurt, curl, purse, cursive, return, sturdy
Draw/color/cut out a pirate for each of the R-controlled vowels. Tape each one to a popsicle stick. Write each of the words from the list on paper/blank index card. Draw a treasure chest around the word. Cut out each treasure chest. Match each Pirate to his chest by correctly saying each word.
Our High Seas Tale
Materials needed: A white board or chart paper
You are going to make a pirate story!
Draw a picture of a ship on the board/paper. Say: Once upon a time, there was a pirate ship. On the ship there was:
Take if from here! Let your child add items or ideas to the story.
You can make suggestions if they are stuck or get off track such as:
What type of animals to pirates have? (parrots) Should we have one? What is it's name? What does it say when it speaks?
Where is our ship going?
What will we find when we get there?
What type of weather are we having on the ocean today?
Pirate Writing
If I was a Pirate
I would say_____________
I would wear____________
I would________________
Ahoy- hello
Matey- friend
Aye- yes
savy- ok?
me- my
ye- you
hearties- friends
shiver me timbers - oh my goodness
Week of May 11th
Butterflies and Insects Week!
Choose an activity to practice each day!
Swat the sight words
Write sight words your child knows/is learning on index cards or pieces of paper, then lay them all over the floor. Call out the sight word and have your child run and swat the sight word with a fly swatter. Great activity to get moving!
Buggy has a boo boo!
Draw a bug and write sight words on it. Have your child say the sight word and then cover it with a band aid. After all the words have been covered have them add a smile since the bug feels better!
Butterfly Life Cycle
Practice Fluency and comprehension using the printable passage and comprehension activity on the resources tab.
“Creepy Crawling Compound Words”
Materials: Empty toilet paper roll, paper or construction paper to cover the roll; crayons, markers, scissors, and pipe cleaners
Word list: butterfly, housefly, fruit fly, fruit worm, army worm, ladybug, longhorn beetle, grasshopper, dragonfly, daddy long-legs, firefly, bumblebee, Yellowjacket, wood wasp, cockroach
Choose one “bug” to make out of materials.
Do you think each of the bugs is a “good” bug or a “bad” bug? Tell your family why you think so!
For a challenge, write your “bug” words in ABC order.
Hope you “buzz” with fun!
Fluency Practice- Caterpillar poem
Practice reading the poem aloud. See the resources page for a printable version of the poem.
Amazing Changes
by Dexter Twisdale
Sitting on a grassy patch
A tiny egg's about to hatch
Can you guess what will come out?
To eat leaves and crawl about?
A caterpillar, yes that's right!
It sees a leaf and takes a bite.
Helper reader model it read aloud
Helper reads each line, child echos
Helper and child read it together
Child reads on their own
Create your very own Insect Book!
This activity will help you to review your sight words.
Materials: paper, crayons or markers, a stapler
Your book will need 9 pages.
Title page: Write Insects by: your name and draw a picture.
page 1: Write: I see a little dragonfly and draw a picture of a dragonfly.
page 2: Write: She sees a mosquito. Draw a picture to match.
page 3: The beetle was crawling. Draw a picture.
Page 4: Look at the worm. Draw a picture of the worm.
Page 5: That fly is fast. Draw a picture.
Page 6: That ladybug is pretty. Draw a picture to match your sentence.
Page 7: The caterpillar is crawling. Include a picture.
Page 8: Look at the cricket.
Staple your book and practice reading!
Butterfly Songs
Children can sing the following songs to increase fluency.
Songs by Megan Sheakoski
Where Did My Caterpillar Go?
(Sung to the Tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb)
Where, oh where, did my caterpillar go?
Caterpillar go, caterpillar go?
Oh look! It's a butterfly!
Caterpillar and Butterfly Hand Motion Song
(sung to the tune of Are you Sleeping?)
Caterpillar, caterpillar,
In my hand, in my hand.
Soon you'll be a butterfly.
And fly away. Fly away.
Caterpillar Life Cycle Song
(Sung to the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb)
A caterpillar has 12 eyes,
has 12 eyes, has 12 eyes,
A caterpillar has 12 eyes
so that he can see!
A caterpillar chews on leaves
chews on leaves, chews on leaves,
A caterpillar chews on leaves
to get some energy!
Now he rests in a chrysalis
a chrysalis, a chrysalis,
now he rests in a chrysalis
and becomes a butterfly!
Week of May 3rd
Vehicles Week
Grab your cars and trucks and get to work practicing your reading skills!
Toilet Paper Tunnels
Materials needed:
toilet paper or paper towel rolls and markers.
a small toy car
Write the following words on toilet paper rolls: kit, sock, lock, lick, neck, kid, pack, kick, rock, tack
Write the following sentences on toilet paper rolls: Kim was with Mack on the deck. Can she kick and rock? (These sentences practice using “ck” in, But feel free to use whatever words your classroom teacher is practicing this week!)
The child drives their car through each tunnel as they read the words and sentences.
Steering Wheel Reading
Pencil, marker, or crayon, and a paper plate
Use the paper plate to create a car or truck steering wheel. Have your child practice writing their first and last name on the steering wheel. Write the following sentences on separate pieces paper.
Little Kit Cat can sit.
She can sit and lick.
Kim met Kit Cat.
Kit Cat can nab.
Nick can pat a back.
Kit Cat can lap.
Kit was little.
Kit Cat is fat.
(These sentences practice using “ck” in words, but feel free to use whatever words your classroom teacher is practicing this week!)
Now for the fun. Put the sentences on the floor all over your house. (Or outside!) Pretend to drive with the steering wheel stopping at each sentence and reading it.
Drive-Thru Blending
This Letter-Sounds and Phonics activity encourages students to practice blending individual sounds to make words. The inclusion of the toy car makes the activity fun, and reinforces the idea that the different sounds in a word blend together.
* First they will drive through slowly and say each letter-sound
* Then they will drive faster to say the word smoothly
On a piece of paper write a word from the CVC word list. First the car goes slowly, stopping at each letter to say the sound, then ZOOM! The car moves fast as you read the word quickly and smooth!

Red Light/ Green Light Rhyming Game
Materials: traffic light pictures (one green and one red)
A parent or older sibling can be the traffic cop. The traffic cop will say three words- one word does not rhyme with the other two. If the child gets the answer correct the light will turn green and they could drive until the light turns red. Examples of words: lip, hip, cap----shell, bell, cup—- ran mat fan—- run fun dig
Alphabet Parking Lot
Materials- tape, scissors, posterboard
1. Cut pieces of tape into 2-inch segments. You will need 28 pieces of tape.
2. Lay a long piece of tape along the wall or on a piece of posterboard and make your "parking spaces" using the 2"inch pieces of tape.
3. Write uppercase letter on the parking spots and lowercase letters on parking spaces.
4. Write lowercase letters onto small pieces of tape and add them to the top of your toy cars.
5. Let your child start "parking" the cars in their corresponding space.
6. To make this activity more challenging: Have your child put their car in the space for the letter that stands for the first sound of the following words: mix, mad, met.
7. Have your child put their car in the space for the letter that stands for the middle sound in the following words: bit, zip, fix.
8. Have your child park their car to spell the word: bed.
Sight Word Parking Lot
Draw parking spaces with sight words in them. Have your child "drive" a hot wheel car into a spot after saying the sight word. Say, spell, say the sight word and drive to the next one of your choice! You can also have the child give you a sentence using the word.
You can also use your bike to drive into spots outside using chalk too!
Road Rally Reading
Create a game with sight words or letters in circles. Grab a die and a car as the game piece. Make a road on a piece of paper as a game board. Add spaces and write in letters or words.
Week of April 27th
Superhero Week!
Superhero Sight Word Mash
Materials Needed:
1. Index cards (or any paper!)
2. SUPERHEROES (no superhero toys? Use your imagination and draw some!)
Write sight words on the index cards or paper.
Practice them (Say...spell...say)
Fold the index cards or paper so they stand up.
Grab your Superheroes, and mash the words – first the Superhero reads the word, and then MASH! CRUSH THE CARDS!!!
Superhero Writing Activity
Print the Superhero Writing Activity found on the RESOURCES tab. No printer? Use any paper to complete the activity!
Start by putting your name on top. Remember start with a capital letter followed by lowercase letters.
Answer the following questions:
Do you like superheroes?
If yes, who is your favorite superhero?
Do you think superheroes would make our world a better place?
If you can have a super power, what would it be?
Be a ‘Super’ Superhero Word Builder!
Use the letters in the superhero names below to build words.
Print the SUPER WORD BUILDER page found on the RESOURCES tab. Cut the letter cards to help you make the words. Write the words on your page. How many words can you make? Have a contest with your family to see who can make the most words! No printer? Use a blank piece of paper to do the activity!
I Am Super!
Print the I AM SUPER page found on the RESOURCES tab. No printer? Use a blank piece of paper to do the activity!
Draw and color a picture of yourself in the box on the left. Turn yourself into a superhero in the box on the right and color it in. Then describe yourself and how SUPER you really are!
What's Your Superhero Name?
Description: Use the first letter of your name and what month you were born to find out your Superhero name. Have fun and find out the superhero names of your friends and family!
Extension Activity: Use your Superhero name to create your own Superhero story using the 5 W's (who, what, where, when and why). Enjoy!
Week of April 20th
Have fun practicing reading skills!
Spin and Spell Easter Egg Activity
Put those left over Easter egg hunt eggs to good use!!
All you need is Plastic Easter Eggs and a Permanent Marker
How To Play
Using a Black permanent marker, write the first letter of simple words on the bottom half of the egg so that the letter is facing the center of the egg where it joins with the top half. EXAMPLES for beginning letters on egg: b, c, f, m, s, h
On the top half of the eggs write the last 2-3 letters of simple words starting from the middle where the top egg will connect with the bottom egg. EXAMPLES for last half words: at, it & all
Now put the egg together and it is ready to be played with!
Challenge the child to create as many words as possible by spinning the egg to make new words.
You can discuss how many of the words rhyme because they have the same ending (example: bat, cat, hat, sat)
Sight Word Tic-Tac-Toe
All you need is paper! Create a Tic-Tac-Toe board and write in 9 of the sight words you have been practicing. (See the fry list on the RESOURCES page) Take turns reading and use X and O to mark the words read. Three in a row wins!
Sight word Dominos
Cut paper into rectangles and draw a line down the middle. Write one word on each side. (See RESOURCES for a list of sight words.) Place one card down on the table and flip the rest over from a pile over until you find a match.
I Flip for Reading!
Work on your egg flipping skills using words that you are practicing (sight words, new spelling words)to create a fun egg flipping game. Cut out a white circle and color a yellow circle in the center. Use a black crayon or marker to write one of your target words in the center. Then get a spatula and get cooking! Turn your eggs upside down and read each one as you flip it. If you make a mistake, turn it back over and try again!
I Spy…. Sounds!
A phonemic (sounds) twist on the traditional game “I Spy”. Look around the room and instead of spying a color use the objects beginning sound. Make it even more challenging by using middle or ending sound. Change it up and even use rhyming words!
I spy something that begins with the sound /d/ (door!)
I spy something that ends with the sound /t/ (light)
I spy something that has the middle sound /a/ (cat)
I spy something that rhymes with bear (chair)
The possibilities are endless!
Week of April 13th
Let’s make a journal! A journal is where we can write about daily things that happen or things that we do. This week we will keep a journal of what we find on our scavenger hunts!
- How can I make a journal? Use what you already have at home! For this week’s activities you only need 5 pages. You can use pages of a notebook, any kind of scrap paper, or even the back of your parent’s junk mail! (ASK FIRST!!) You will also find “Draw and Write Printable Paper” by clicking the RESOURCES tab on the left of the main READING page.
- What should I write? First, write the date at the top of the page. Then, you can write or draw about some of the things you find on your hunt. Try to report about at least three things that you have found on each of the adventures. First and second grade students can try to write their findings in a sentence!
So, pick one each day, take it outside (or inside), have some fun, and look around to see what you can find!
Our Literacy Walk
- Find something that rhymes with bee.
- Find an object that begins with the /c/ sound. (candy)
- Find something that has two syllables. (sidewalk)
- Find a letter s. (stop sign)
- Find an object that ends with the /t/ sound. (hat)
- Find something that rhymes with jar.
- Find something that has three syllables. (basketball)
- Find a letter o. (on a license plate)
- Name an object you see. Now name three more words that begin with the same beginning sound as the object. (dog, dip, dock, dragon)
- Find something that rhymes with mouse.
- Find something that has one syllable.
Spring Scavenger Hunt
- Find a yellow flower.
- Find three different shaped leaves.
- Find something that is red.
- Find a spiderweb.
- Find something that flies.
- Name two things you see in the sky.
- Find something that is long.
- Find something that grows that is green.
- Find two birds.
- Find some water.
- Find something purple.
- Find something that crawls.
Book Scavenger Hunt
- Find an animal in a book.
- Find the word spring in a book.
- Find someone helping someone in a book.
- Find a picture of a son in a book.
- Find a picture that makes you laugh.
- Find a bug in a book.
- Find someone sleeping in a book.
- Find a character eating in a book.
- Find a pet in a box.
- Find a cat in a book.
- Find a superhero in a book.
- Find a bike in a book.
Indoor Scavenger Hunt
- Find a fork.
- Find something that is red.
- Find a tissue box.
- Find three things that have wheels.
- Find an orange crayon.
- Find something that is very soft.
- Find a Band-Aid.
- Find a key.
- Find two socks that match.
- Find something around.
- Find a sticker.
- Find a rubber band.
- Find a pair of glasses.
- Find an envelope.
Spring Senses
- Smell: Find something that smells nice. Describe the scent.
- Touch/See: Pick up three types of rocks and/or leaves. (How are they the same/different?). Share your findings in your journal
- Hear: Listen to a bird or another animal (Ie: dog). What type of noise does it make? What do you think it is saying? Write (3-5 sentences) or draw a story about what the bird or other animal might be saying.