Mrs. Souder, 2nd Grade Reading
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Hi and welcome to Mrs. Souder's reading page.  Below you will see videos that will focus on reading foundation skills.  Feel free to watch some of them on a daily basis for review and enrichment.  

Daily Practice

Sight Words
Click on the Fry Word link to see words that we have learned in school.  Try practicing some of these each day.  =)
Fry Words, First Three Hundred.pdf

Phonics Videos
Short Vowel Video #1
Short and Long Vowels Video #1
Silent -e Video #1
Silent -e Video #2
Digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh, ph)

Blending Videos
CVC word blending #1
Blends: br, cr, dr, fr

Rhymes Videos
Rhymes Video #1

Weekly Activities

Daily--Handwriting:  The next page in your workbook.  If the workbook is complete, then the packet.


Monday April 27, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  You
3.  Phonics Blends sheet:  cl, sl
4.  Fluency Practice with Blends!
5.  Spell and Match
6.  Trace and Write- pie, tie
7.  Read and Find:  short a
8.  Grammar:  Week 2, Days 3 and 4
9.  Story 125
10.Worksheet 125

Tuesday April 28, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  Yellow
3.  Phonics Blends Sheet:  br, fr
4.  Fluency Practice with Blends!
5.  Trace and Write- night, light
6.  Read and Find:  short i
7.  Story 126
8.  Worksheet 126

9.  Story, Light Up High (igh)

Wednesday April 29, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  Where
3.  Phonics Blends Sheet:  wh, cr
4.  Trace and Write:  cry, sky
5.  Grammar:  Week 3, Days 1 and 2
6.  Read each word sheet (Lesson 127)
7.  Worksheet 127
8.  Story 128
9.  Worksheet 128
10.Story, I Am Snappy (y)

Thursday April 30, 2020
1. Choose a video from the list above.
2. Find and Color:  We
3. Phonics Blends Sheet:  tr, ch
4. Trace and Write:  five, bride
5. Grammar:  Week 6, Days 1 and 2
6. Story 129
7. Worksheet 129
8. Story, Snow Coat (oa, ow)

Friday May 1, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  Up
3.  Phonics Blends Sheet:  st, kn
4.  Story 130
5. Worksheet 130
6. Story, The Toads Wed (oa, ow)

Daily--Handwriting:  The next page in your workbook.  If the workbook is complete, then the packet.

Monday May 4, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  Two
3.  Phonics Blends sheet:  pl, sp
4.  My Long i Words:  lime, bike
5.  Read and Find, short e
6.  Story 131
7.  Worksheet 131

Tuesday May 5, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story, Friday Night Fun
3.  Fluency Practice, blends
4.  Highlight Long i Words
5.  Worksheet 132
6.  Story, The Train Ride (ai, ay)

Wednesday May 6, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  Three
3.  Phonics Blends:  th, ng
4.  Grammar:  Week 6, Days 3 and 4
5.  Story 133
6.  Worksheet 133
7. Story, Row Boat 

Thursday May 7, 2020
1. Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  The
3.  Phonics Blends Sheet:  sh, fl
4.  Grammar:  Week 8, Days 1 and 2
5.  Read It, Sort, It, Write It:  Long i

Friday May 8, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story 134
3.  Worksheet 134
4.  Find and Color:  See
5.  Sight Words, write and search
6.  Story 135
7.  Worksheet 135

Daily--Handwriting:  The next page in your workbook.  If the workbook is complete, then the packet.


Monday May 11, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  said
3.  Sight Word Write and Search:  said, blue, did, like
4.  Story 136
5.  Worksheet 136
Story, The Wee Little Tree

Tuesday May 12, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  run
Sight Word Write and Search:  down, play, do, make

4.  Grammar:  Week 8, Days 3 and 4
5.  Draw It!  Long i 
6.  Story 137
7.  Worksheet 137
8.  Story, Light in a Hole

Wednesday May 13, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  red
3.  Sight Word Write and Search:  run, help, red, my

4.  Read and Find:  Short o 
5.  Story 138
6.  Worksheet 138
7. Story and questions, Mike and the Bike

Thursday May 14, 2020
1. Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  play
Sight Word Write and Search:  you, me, we, little

4.  Mix it, Fix it, Write it!  Long i
5.  Story 139
6.  Worksheet 139

Friday May 15, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  one
3.  Story 140
4.  Worksheet 140

Daily--Handwriting:  The next page in your workbook.  If the workbook is complete, then the packet.

Monday May 18, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  not
3.  Sight Word Write and Search:  see, go, for, funny
4.  Mix it, Fix it, Write it!  Long i
5.  Story 141

Tuesday May 19, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story, Mean Bee (ee, ea)
3.  Worksheet 142 (read each word two times with an adult)
4.  Find and Color:  my
Sight Word Write and Search:  at, and, the, not

Wednesday May 20, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story 143
3.  Find and Color:  me
4.  Sight Word Write and Search:  I, a, in, is

5.  Story 144

Thursday May 21, 2020
1. Choose a video from the list above. 
2.  Story, Sneeze!  (ee, ea)
3.  Find and Color:  make
4.  Story 145

Friday May 22, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story, Ice Cream Cone (ee, ea)
3.  Story 146
4.  Story, The Elf with activities

Daily--Handwriting:  The next page in your workbook.  If the workbook is complete, then the packet.


Monday May 25, 2020
Happy Memorial Day!  No work due!

Tuesday May 26, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  little
Highlight the Long i Words

4.  Long o Words matching sheet
5.  Story 147
6.  Find and Color:  jump
7.  I Can Read!  L-blends
- For fun:  flower coloring and earth sheet

Wednesday May 27, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Long o Words coloring sheet
3.  Story 148

4.  I Spy, story
5.  Find and Color:  it
6.   -eep phonics sheet 
7.  -eep phonics sheet #2 -optional

Thursday May 28, 2020
1. Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Missing Initial Sounds with -eep word endings
3. Story 149

4.  What a Sight!, story
5.  Find and Color:  is
6.  I Can Read!, L-blends
7.  Missing Letters phonics sheet (oa words)
8.  Read and Find Long a- optional
9.  Beginning Blends phonics sheet

Friday May 29, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story 150
3.  A Dear Son, story
4.  Find and Color:  in
5.  Read and Find long e
6.  Word Ladder phonics sheet- optional
7.  Make the words phonics sheet- optional
8.  Story 151
9. Up High, story

Daily--Handwriting:  The next page in your workbook.  If the workbook is complete, then the packet.

Monday June 1, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  help
3.  Read and Find, long o
4.  Long e sheet
5.  Hidden pictures
6.  Story 154
7.  My Parrot, story (-y ending with long i sound)

Tuesday June 2, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  go
3.  Read and Match!
4.  What's the Word?  L-blends
5.  Blends sheet
6.  Build a Word, long -e 
7.  Story 155
8.  My Dinner Makes Me Want to Cry, story (-y ending with long i sound)

Wednesday June 3, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Read and Find sheet
3.  -ook sheet
4.  In Summer, poem
5.  Story 156
6.  Find and Color:  I
7.  Short a Words, sheet

Thursday June 4, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  -eat sheet
3.  Sailboat coloring sheet
4.  What's the Word? L-blends
5.  Read and Match
6.  Summer Time, word find
7.  Story 152
8.  In Flight at Night, story

Friday June 5, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Find and Color:  here
3.  -eal sheet
4.  kn sheet
5.  Missing Letters
6.  Read and Find long i
7.  Story 153
8.  Poems, The Moon Up High and Last Night

Daily--Handwriting:  The next page in your workbook.  If the workbook is complete, then the packet.


Monday June 8, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Missing Letters
3.  Secret Word sheet
4.  Catching Flies, activity
5.  Mermaid coloring sheet
6.  Story 157

Tuesday June 9, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Oh, No! poem
4.  Missing Initial Letter
5.  -ook sheet #1
6.  -ook sheet #2

Wednesday June 10, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  -ick sheet
3.  Story 158
4.  Snowy Day story
5.  Poems (-y endings with long -e sound)
6.  -ick sheet
7.  I Can Read L-blends sheet

Thursday June 11, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story 159
3.  Freddy the Puppy, story
4.  Blow in the Wind, story
5.  Let's Make Words, sheet

Friday June 12, 2020
1.  Choose a video from the list above.
2.  Story 160
3.  Midnight Cats story (igh)
4.  Spray Dad! story (ai, ay)
5.  Jay the Snail, story (ai, ay)
6.  The Weed, story (ee, ea)
7.  Fun in the Sun, coloring sheet