Daily Activities Archieved 6/7 -6/12
Have a wonderful summer and stay safe.
I look forward to seeing you next year!
***Friday, June 12th***
Kindergarten, First and Second Grade
Make a math problem for one of your family members to solve. Help them solve it if they need help.
***Thursday, June 11th***
Kindergarten, First and Second Grade
Make a pattern with objects from your backyard.
***Wednesday, June 10th***
Find a pattern somewhere outside.
First Grade
Find a pattern somewhere outside.
Second Grade
Find a pattern somewhere outside.
***Tuesday, June 9th***
Find something in your yard that has a vertex.
First Grade
Find something that is longer than 2 feet.
Second Grade
Find something that weighs more than 3 pounds.
***Monday, June 8th***
Find four circles outside in nature.
First Grade
Find something around the house that has a set of 10.
Second Grade
Find something outside the house that measures more than 2 inches.